Disclaimer: I was sent products for free or highly discounted to review for my honest opinion. These products are from a PR agency or a company. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. Your opinions may vary from my opinions. Please allow 8 weeks to receive product. For Giveaway items.
I am absolutely adoring all these coffee mugs from Modern Products this one is the best teacher ever glass mug and I have to tell you this is going to be a really good gift if you are planning on participating in Teacher Appreciation Week at your school. Or even if this is something you want to give your children's teacher for a end-of-the-year gift. Regardless either way I know your children's teacher will love this or if you have a friend that is a teacher this would be a great idea also.
I just love this glass it is made very well. It came shipped and packed very well. No issues at all with it breaking. I also love the text on the coffee cup to the font of it. This is a 13 ounce mug with high-quality USA made glass. This mug is also microwave safe and dishwasher safe the text is printed on both sides of the mug. This mug will also be perfect for tea not all teachers drink coffee so they can put whatever they like into this cup because I know they will love it. And they would want to use it all the time. I will put the link below where you can purchase this but it retails for $16.87 on Amazon.
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