Monster High 2 DVD Giveaway

Available on DVD August 13, 2024LOS ANGELES–July 9, 2024–Follow best friends Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura, and Frankie Stein intotheir sophomore year at Monster High in the brand-new DVDMonster High 2! This live-action moviemusical reprises your favorite fang-tastic characters for a new generation, upping the ante on eachcharacter’s commitment to individuality and self-expression. Get ready for more original songs, newcharacters, and adventures that will take you into the halls of Monster High and beyond!Monster High 2will be available on DVD from Paramount Home Entertainment on August 13, 2024, forthe suggested retail price of $10.99.Monster High 2synopsis:Sophomore year brews lots of changes for Monster High. The power of three is put to the test asClawdeen, Draculaura, and Frankie face monstorouschallenges this year–new students, new powers,evolving friendships, and a mysterious threat that could not only tear their friendship apart, but alsochange the world forever

Special FeaturesOriginal Songs From The Movie:"My Heart Goes Boom Boom Boom" Official Lyric Video"You Don’t Know" Official Lyric VideoMaking Of Monster High 2Monster High 2 Character BreakdownMonster High 2 Star JourneyAbout NickelodeonNickelodeon, now in its 45thyear, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse,global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming andproduction in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location-basedexperiences, publishing, and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit Nickelodeon is a part of Paramount’s (Nasdaq: PARA, PARAA) global portfolioof multimedia entertainment brands.

Tips For Making Your Child's Bedroom Their Own

 There are many reasons you might be looking to do up your child’s bedroom. Perhaps you have recently moved and they finally have their own room, or maybe you just want to switch up the space. No matter what the reasoning is, there are a host of things you can do that can really enhance their space and make it their own. From getting your child involved in the planning process, to adding those personal touches, we’ve put together some top tips that should help you create a bedroom they love to spend time in. Keep on reading for more inspiration…

Unshakable Moxie Study Pack Review - Giveaway


UnShakable Moxie Study Pack

I am always looking for ways to increase and to help my faith I am really looking forward to this study through Our Daily bread. I got this just recently so can’t say how exactly is going to work out for me however I will tell you this does look like a great study. It comes with a journal as well as memory verse cards. Which is all great and incorporates together!

If you were looking for a Bible study, this unshakable moxie prayer set is what you need! and not only that I am also doing a giveaway for this set as well.

The giveaway is limited to the US only how the end for your chance to win the study pack plus a $20 Amazon gift card

Now for the Giveaway!! This giveaway will only be running one week so get your entries in to be entered!!

Dental Business Owner: Here’s How To Boost Time Efficiency


Dental Business Owner: Here’s How To Boost Time Efficiency 

Source: Pixabay CC0 License

Time is the most valuable resource that any business possesses. However, it takes on an even greater importance for service-based ventures like dental practices. If you are a dentist, learning to optimize time efficiency should be a priority.

Getting it right will translate to increased productivity, allowing you to help more patients and see more revenue. Here are some top tips to help you achieve your goal.

Focus on streamlined treatments

First and foremost, the success of any dentistry business is determined by the quality of treatments. For the best results, you must focus on providing the best results while also delivering a better patient experience. Streamlined services are the key to success.

Embracing the world’s first universal dental composite is a great example. The color-matching capability removes the need for shade-taking procedures to save time and money. Crucially, it ensures that patients receive the best possible outcome.

Most patients would prefer a quick treatment followed by fewer follow-up appointments. Aligners that can be sent directly to the patient will, therefore, produce a better solution for patients and dentists alike.

Invest in your team and technology

If you want to optimize the performance of your business, you need to consider the employees and equipment. When team members have the talent and resources to work efficiently, they will. The daily improvements will soon transform the future of your firm.

After recruiting the best dental hygienists and receptionists, you must invest in their training. They will already have relevant qualifications like the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination. Additional learning keeps their skills up to date with new developments.

The best tech for taking dental impressions or completing tasks like cleanings or crown applications should be used. However, it’s equally crucial to invest in regular maintenance to keep them performing as expected.

Master your marketing efforts

Successful marketing campaigns are essential for a modern business. Without them, you won’t have a large enough patient list to generate the necessary revenue. However, it’s not simply enough to attract patients. You must also ensure that it doesn’t pose a distraction. 

Ensuring that your brand stands out is particularly important. Most prospective patients will actively look for dentists. A strong brand image and great online visibility should bring more leads. Most of your patients will come locally, so local marketing campaigns are key too.

Perhaps the most time-efficient option is to focus on testimonials and user-generated content. It requires no additional effort from you, allowing you to focus on dentistry. Better still, it will see trust levels soar.

Outsource other tasks

Marketing isn’t the only issue that could potentially distract you in business. Therefore, it’s vital that you know how to manage key business tasks like client communication and admin. Otherwise, you will find that far less time is dedicated to helping patients.

Using outside help to take care of these tasks is a great way to grow without expanding. Outsourced cyberse

18 Things You Should Consider Before Going Back to Work as a Mom


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The transition from being a full-time mom to a working mom is not always an easy one to make, and it is so easy to get it wrong if you aren’t careful, which is why, below, I’ve put together a list of things you should definitely consider before you take the plunge and start applying for those new jobs.

1. The Great Schedule Debate

One of the biggest juggles is figuring out the work schedule that doesn’t just work on paper, but actually works for your life. Full-time, part-time, flextime, crime fighting by night—okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea. Consider the pros and cons of each setup. For instance, shift work might sound great because you can potentially avoid costly daycare by working opposite shifts from your partner. On the flip side, it can mean fewer family dinners and messing with your body clock more than a transatlantic flight. So, take a look at some examples of shift work and other working patterns and weigh these options like you're trying to balance a seesaw after Thanksgiving dinner.

2. Childcare Conundrum

Before you can confidently stride (or sprint, depending on how late you're running) out that door, you’ll need a rock-solid childcare plan. This isn’t just about finding someone you trust to watch your little treasure(s); it’s also about backup plans. What happens when the sitter cancels, or kiddo number two starts impersonating a mucus fountain? Explore all avenues—daycares, nannies, family, friends who owe you one for that time in Vegas…

3. Workplace Flexibility

Long gone are the days when work was strictly a 9-to-5 ordeal. Many modern workplaces offer flexibility that would make even a yoga instructor jealous. Look for employers who understand that your toddler might have hijacked your conference call to perform a solo of "Let It Go." Telecommuting, flexible hours, and understanding bosses can make the transition smoother than your baby’s bottom.

4. Re-Skilling and Up-Skilling

The job market evolves faster than your pre-teen’s social media preferences. It’s crucial to check if your skills need a dust-off or a complete upgrade. There are plenty of online courses that can help you re-skill at your own pace, often in your PJs. This isn’t just about making you employable; it’s about making you competitive. Plus, learning new things can be as refreshing as actually sleeping through the night.

5. Emotional Readiness

Going back to work isn’t just a logistical decision; it’s an emotional one. Are you ready to miss some of those daytime milestones? On the other hand, are you craving adult conversation that doesn’t involve character debates from children's TV shows? Gauge your emotional readiness. It's okay to feel excited, guilty, nervous, or all of the above—sometimes within the span of five minutes.

6. Financial Feasibility

Let’s talk turkey (and by turkey, I mean money). Assess the financial impact of going back to work. Consider the costs of childcare, commuting, wardrobe updates (because yoga pants might not cut it in the boardroom), and increased takeout meals against your potential earnings. Sometimes, the net gain isn’t worth the trade-off. Or sometimes, it absolutely is.

7. The Partner Pow-Wow

If you have a partner in crime, their thoughts and support play a pivotal role in this decision. Have a real talk about expectations, sharing household chores, and how you’ll handle the new dynamics. It’s important to be on the same page, or at least reading from the same book.

8. Social Support Network

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it also takes one to support a working mom. Lean on your social network—family, friends, fellow moms, sympathetic strangers. Whether it’s swapping playdates or venting about your day, having a strong support system can be your sanity’s lifeline.

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9. Assess Your Long-Term Career Goals

What are your professional aspirations? Do you see yourself climbing the corporate ladder, or are you more interested in steady, meaningful work that keeps you engaged without overwhelming your family time? Understanding your long-term career goals can help you choose positions that will be rewarding both personally and professionally. Reflect on where you want to be in five or ten years and consider how your prospective job will help you get there.

10. Consider the Commute

Your daily commute can have a significant impact on your work-life balance. Lengthy commutes can drain your energy and steal time away from family activities or personal relaxation. When considering a job offer, factor in the commute time and the associated costs. Is telecommuting an option, at least part-time? Could you listen to educational podcasts or audiobooks to turn commute time into productive or enriching moments?

11. Examine Company Culture

The culture of a workplace can greatly affect your satisfaction and success in a job. Does the company support working parents? Are there other mothers who have thrived there? Does it offer any unique benefits like on-site childcare, lactation rooms, or family health services? A supportive environment can make a huge difference in easing the transition back to work.

12. Healthcare and Benefits

Examine the benefits package beyond the salary. Healthcare is a critical factor, especially with children in the picture. Look for companies that offer comprehensive health benefits, including dental and vision, and consider how much of a difference this will make in your family’s life. Also, check if there are wellness programs, employee assistance programs, and retirement plans that could enhance your family's financial security.

13. The Role of Technology

Leverage technology to streamline your daily tasks. Many apps and tools are designed to help working parents manage their time and responsibilities more efficiently. From family scheduling apps to meal planning software, find tools that help you keep track of everything without dropping the ball at home or work.

14. Establish a Morning Routine

A solid morning routine can set the tone for a successful day. Work out a system that allows you to get yourself and your children ready without chaos. This might involve preparing the night before or waking up a bit earlier to enjoy a few moments of peace before the day starts.

15. Build In "Me Time"

It’s crucial to preserve a little time for yourself. Self-care isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a necessity that keeps you functioning at your best both at home and at work. Whether it’s a short walk, reading a book, or practicing yoga, find something that helps you unwind and feel like yourself.

16. Stay Organized at Home

The more organized you are at home, the easier it will be to start working again with fewer stresses getting in the way of the experience. So, definitely get the daily together to come up with a schedule for cleaning and other chores, and make sure everyone pitches in with it all.

17. Negotiate Flexibility

When interviewing for new positions or discussing a return to work, don’t shy away from negotiating terms that will support your work-life balance. This could include flexible hours, the option to work remotely, or even compressed work weeks.

18. Personal Fulfillment

You aren’t just a mom or just an employee; you are a complex human being in your own right, so you absolutely need to consider your own personal fulfilment into the equation before you go back to work. If the idea of starting a new job fills your heart with joy, then go ahead and make the move!

Before you dive back into the workforce, take a moment to assess these facets, so that you can find the right balance that lets you thrive both at work and at home. Good luck!

DELONES Campaign Best Nail Soak from MODELONES

PleaSCENT Removal nail polish remover from MODELONES is a game-changer! As one of those who have suffered from using pure acetone, this works better than the generic acetone I was using before. I'll stick with this pleaSCENT remover.Under $10 on Amazon

Reality Check: What to Expect When You're Expecting Twins


Finding out you're expecting twins can be an emotional rollercoaster, with joy, anxiety, and many questions running through your mind all at once. Whether this has always been part of your dream or it came as a complete surprise to you, being pregnant with two is sure to change everything. Before shopping for double strollers and matching onesies, it is important to prepare for what lies ahead. In this blog, we will look into this incredible yet exhausting but uniquely rewarding journey of twin parenthood.

Photo by Luana Azevedo on Unsplash

Things To Consider When Thinking Of Setting Up a Business

After the events of the lockdowns due to COVID, in order to gain extra income, a lot of people decided to set up their own business. The years that have followed have seen a massive resurgence in people doing just that, deciding not to conform to the typical ‘9-5’ and venturing out to set up shop on their own, sometimes literally. During lockdown we saw a lot of people setting up businesses that baked and delivered cakes and other sweet goodies, or providing a service like gardening, or professional cleaning etc. Post lockdown, have seen the merits and possibilities of working from home, having been forced to, and are fearlessly taking that step. But what kind of things do you need to think about before you can start that step? Here is a list of things to consider when starting a business:


Think about the Idea - is it a Niche?

When setting up a business, the idea is typically the first thing to think about. Think about what it is you want to provide and ask yourself: “Who is currently doing this?” “Is there any way I could do it better, or differently?” “Can I carry out this business online, or does it need to have a physical presence?” Let’s say it requires a shop, think about your area, if there are any local businesses doing this already, if there is a demand, or a gap in the local market for what you’re trying to provide. Find your niche. If it’s something that people are already doing, that's fine, but it’s important to find your individual ‘something’, put your twist on it. If your idea is in fact baking goods, great - but what's so different about yours? It’s a good idea for your idea to be something you’re passionate about, something you’re willing to invest real time into.

Set up a Business Account

Having a bank account separate from your personal account is a must, for a plethora of reasons. To name a few:

  • Makes it easier to apply for business loans and credit

  • It just looks more professional and trustworthy

  • Makes working out tax returns easier

  • Separates business transactions from personal ones

  • Transaction limits will be a little more lax, as opposed to ones on a personal account

There are so many advantages to using a business account, but in a nutshell, it looks a lot more ‘together’, and you’ll need that in a business. Just don't forget, you’ll likely need an Employee Identification Number filing service  in order to open a business bank account.

Get Clued up With The Many Marketing Tools

Whether the business is an online service, or a physical presence, in today’s society, the ever-evolving world of social media is a frighteningly powerful marketing tool - try to use as much of it as possible to promote and garner attention, in whatever format you feel suits your needs. Modern society digests information almost exclusively through social media, through tweets, posts, short form videos, and other forms, so it’s important you take full advantage of this, especially as for the most part, Social Media platforms are free to use.

How to Make Your Small Business Brand Stand Out


How to Make Your Small Business Brand Stand Out

Image Credit.

As a small business, it can be hard to compete with other companies. This is especially true if you don’t have the resources for a major marketing campaign that costs a lot of money and brings a lot of business to your door. But the key is to use your strengths wisely.

Small businesses can be more flexible, and they can cater to customers in different ways. A lot of people prefer people to faceless corporations, and you can make that shine when you create your brand.

Branding is the best way to use your strengths most effectively and develop a personality for your business. This is a great marketing technique that will make your company more memorable and allow you to grow your customer base and reach new heights.

A Great Brand Name

Every great brand starts with a name. If you’re a sole proprietor, this can also double as your name. But as you’re essentially selling yourself as a brand, it’s important to focus on other aspects of your marketing strategy.

On the other hand, if you choose to pick a different business name, it helps to be creative and think about what would appeal to your target market. Your brand name should be memorable, but not too obscure or strange that it doesn’t reflect your business.

It can also inform your logo and slogan, which are further steps to a memorable and interesting brand.

Visual Marketing

Speaking of logos, if you want your brand to get stuck in people’s minds, you should think about visual marketing.

For example, if your products are packaged in plain cardboard boxes, they won’t stand out. But if they are packaged professionally, attractively, and in branded and well designed boxes, they will be far more attractive to a potential customer.

The same applies to small things, like custom stickers that add a professional touch, to branded vehicles that advertise your business to everyone on the road. 

Social Media

If you want your brand to be interesting, you should think about its personality. People buy from people, and they warm to a person they can interact with. 

Brick-and-mortar businesses benefit from a great sales patter and the ability to chat to potential customers. But you can replicate that in the digital world by using your business website and social media to push your business forward.

Social media is a great tool for all kinds of marketing strategies. You can use it to communicate directly with your customers, which is an incredibly powerful way to learn about them and conduct market research. You can even joke with people and develop this brand personality.

But you can also use social media marketing to be informative and helpful. This adds value to your account and endears people to your business. Post regularly and add content that people are interested in. This might include events in your local area, charity efforts, information about your niche and promotional deals.

How To Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy



How To Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy

Image Credit.

Our dogs are such an important part of our families. We have a responsibility to look after them and meet their needs in every way we can. Whether you're thinking about adopting a dog or you want to make your dog's life better, here are a few ways to make sure you're prepared. 

The Right Food

Much like humans, dogs need the correct food to be healthy. Dogs don't need as much carbohydrates as humans, but they do need a healthy mix of protein and vegetables. 

If you want your dog to be healthy and full of energy, try a good raw food that they'll enjoy. Combine it with raw or lightly blanched vegetables to give them something to chew on and provide more nutrients. 

Exercise and Enrichment

Dogs also benefit from plenty of exercise. If your dog doesn't have a chance to run around, it can easily gain weight. Your dog might also get pent up and anxious. 

Take your dog for regular walks. This gives them the exercise they need and exercises their minds as well. If possible, find a nearby place where your dog can run freely off the lead, so they can really stretch their legs and have fun. 

You should try to find opportunities for your dog to socialise with other dogs. 

Another good idea is to provide your dog with enrichment activities at home. Play with your dogs and make sure they have toys. Dogs get bored as well, and enrichment activities keep their minds and bodies active. 


On a similar note, every dog should be trained. Training is good for the dog and the people it interacts with.

Proper training makes sure your dog is well behaved and polite. It won't snatch food or run away. This also keeps your dog safe from getting lost or getting into trouble with other dogs and people. 

Believe it or not, dogs enjoy being trained. They like working for things and training can be a lot of fun. An untrained dog is an anxious one. 

Use professional trainers like All Dogs Unleashed to help your dog have a full and fun life. 

You should also train your dog for when you go out. Separation anxiety can be a huge problem and some dogs hurt themselves and damage property when left alone. Train them gradually so they get used to their own space and feel secure even when you're not there. 

Vet Visits and Vaccines 

A huge part of your dog's health is vet visits and appropriate treatment. Pet insurance will reduce the cost of vet bills, especially if your dog is injured unexpectedly. The vet can also give your dog a better quality of life and help older dogs live longer. 

As your dog grows up, it will need vaccines to protect it from certain illnesses. If you take your dog for regular checkups, you can talk about the best options for your dog's health.