How to Instill an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle in Your Children

This is an Eco- Friendly sponsored campaign, however, these are all my own words and statements.

How can you instill some really great eco-friendly tips in your lifestyle to show your children the right way to incorporate these tips into your lifestyle. 

Some things I like to do around the house is to recycle really I can even multiple things you can do to be more eco-friendly like maybe buying organic foods, buying them hybrid cars, these are just to name a few. You could also use cloth napkins instead of paper towels which is something that we already do so I can tell you right there that will save a ton of money and is eco-friendly. Maybe grow your own food that way you know exactly what you're putting into your body. Some really good advice you can get from Marty Stallone about different ways to live a more eco-friendly life.

Maybe use a toaster oven instead of a conventional oven if you have a toaster oven it is a lot cheaper and less wasteful and they are so fast when cooking and no preheating and don't forget more environmentally friendly.

You can use plastic reusable water bottle like we do in our house instead of buying the water bottles in the grocery store. And practically all the water bottles don't get recycled. Even small things like covering up your pool when you're not using it helps keep the water from evaporating. Have you ever thought about carpooling and how that is eco-friendly and saves on gas which means less carbon?

Or even unplugging things did you ever think about Apple TV, Google Tv, or DVD players or modems, computers all these things take up electricity if you buy a power strip this will help and then unplug it when not in use. Or instead of drying your clothes in a dryer line dry them it takes up less electricity and will do just as well. Martin J Stallone can give you tips and tricks for these kinds of things. These are just to name a few and there is a lot more you can do to be eco-friendly and it's all right in front of your face.

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