Squatchi Little Feet Sizer Review

I am the type of person I go out and get my kid's shoes and never know the right size and always seem to be returning something. Well now you can buy with confidence and know your child's correct size without just taking a guess at it and now with the Squatchi you won't have to. What is the Squatchi you ask?? The squatchi gives you time back on the useless shopping trips it is a one of a kind children's at home shoe sizer. Instead of taking the kid's to the store with you because you have to get the perfect size just size their feet right at home how cool is that??

Squatchi is a one-of-a-kind children’s home shoe sizer.  It frees you from going on countless errands, especially with the kids.  It saves you the trouble of returning shoe after shoe. Oh sure, online returns may be free, but your time certainly isn’t.  Most of all, Squatchi makes your life so much easier.  It makes time for the real bonding moments, which do not happen on shopping trips.

I really do think this is great idea!! Squatchi was created after a straw broke the camel’s back.
Amy Town Carabajal had just had “one of those” shopping trips.  The frustrating fight with her children erupted when they tried to buy shoes.  It was just too much. Even after the clash was over, the family left the store with no shoes.  It happened every time.
Amy was thrilled when online shoe shopping popped up.  Free shipping!  You can’t beat that.  But what if you buy shoes that don’t fit?  With kids, that happens.  Then you’re stuck, schlepping around town to ship them back.  Amy tried stopping into a shoe store or department store to size the kids up.  But, kids are smart. They hated those places and made no secret of it!
There had to be a better way.
Amy looked for a sizing solution, but the few options available were inaccurate, hard-to-use or just plain silly.  In 2008, after commiserating with friends and fellow parents, Amy realized parents needed a reliable, durable, fun home-sizing solution.  This was how Squatchi began.
In 2011, Amy and her good friend Debra Rosenbloum began brainstorming, designing, researching and writing the business plan.  After nine months, the concept of a foot growth chart and shoe-sizer for kids leapt from dream to reality!  Squatchi, the Bigfoot Sizer for Little Feet, was born!

Disclaimer: I was sent products for free to review for my honest opinion, from either a PR agency or a company. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. Your opinions may vary from my opinions. 


1 comment

  1. Let's face it, no other dirty tootsies will have been on it either! I like that it can be used for a very long time as the child's foot grows. Yes you can measure your kids' feet in the store, but with this I think I would have more confidence as to accuracy.
